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BioRePeelCl₃ is a complete solution for anti-ageing, acne and sun-damaged skin. Containing 35% TCA, 5 other acids, antioxidants and amino acids - it has a unique formulation that bypasses the epidermal layer to revitalise and rejuvenate the skin from within. It has minimal downtime and delivers instant results.



What can it treat?


Acne scarring

Congestion, Blackheads

Enlarged pores

Hyperpigmentation, Sun damage

Post-inflammatory erythema (PIE)


Will I see results from just one BioRePeel or how many will I need?

A skin specialist will need to assess whether you are a suitable candidate for the peel, so please book a consultation first or discuss this treatment option at your next appointment. You can see results from just one treatment but for best results, we recommend a series of 4 peels spaced 7-10 days apart, accompanied by a prescribed at-home skincare regimen to really optimise your outcome.


Who is the treatment suitable for?

This peel is suitable for all skin types, tones and ages. It is excellent for those with acne, congested skin and skin with pigmentation and scarring. It is great to prevent aging as it contains essential amino acids and vitamins that every skin requires. It is also beneficial for young skin during the early stages of acne, blackheads, with recent scarring. Due to its minimal downtime, it is a saviour for those with a busy schedule and frequent social commitments. A BioRePeel course is also a great option for those who want fast results! Due to its concentration of actives, it is not pregnancy or breast-feeding safe.


What is the downtime with this peel?

Immediately after the treatment, you will look very glowy and your skin should feel calm. The following day your skin may feel slightly tight and dry, and some people can experience mild flaking 2-3 days after treatment. You can wear make-up after 24 hours post-peel.  For 1 week before and after: -Avoid sun exposure. Getting burnt before or after your peel is a no-go! Wear a high-protection SPF daily. -Avoid high temperatures - things like spas, saunas and hot showers post-treatment, as this can inflame your skin while it's healing. For 48(+) hours before and after: -Stick to a gentle skincare routine, avoiding AHAs, BHAs, physical exfoliants and retinol. Make sure to wear SPF daily.


Is there any discomfort?

Most people experience tingling and warmth while the peel is applied and some may not feel anything. This is generally dependent on the health, oil flow and thickness of the skin.

Skin Treatments


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