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SkinPen Microneedling

SkinPen is a state-of-the-art microneedling device for treating fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and acne scars on the face, neck and decolletage. This treatment can be tailored to individual skin concerns and is suitable for almost every skin type.



Skin-Pen can effectively treat:

  • Acne scarring

  • Surgical scars

  • Skin laxity/loss of elasticity

  • Uneven texture

  • Enlarged pores

  • Fine lines & wrinkles


Is this treatment pregnancy-safe?

Yes, SkinPen microneedling is breastfeeding and pregnancy safe! SkinPen is FDA approved (has undergone crazy amounts of testing) and nothing gets infused into the skin other than hydrolysed water. The numbing option, however, is not pregnancy safe.


What's the downtime?

During the first 12 hours, redness, tightness of the skin, and warmth are all normal. It usually feels very similar to a sunburn. 

During the first 24-48 hours the skin can remain pink, to varying degrees, and again warmth and tightness of the skin are normal.  

During the first 5-7 days following treatment, the skin will be more sensitive than usual, may feel dry, and can occasionally flake/peel mildly. 

Is it painful?

Most treatments are tolerated without numbing cream - however, topical numbing is available for $25. Discomfort is minimal but does vary from person to person, depending on the depth of the skin and different areas being treated. During your skin consultation, your skin therapist will discuss the numbing option with you.

How many treatments will I need, and how often?

This will depend on what you are trying to treat. Results can be seen from just one treatment but we normally recommend a course of 4-6 treatments, with treatments split at four-week intervals for best results. 


What is the pre and post-care for this treatment?

No botox or filler for 2 weeks before or after. We recommend avoiding active skincare (AHA/BHA's Retinol) for 3 days leading up to your treatment. No active skincare or exfoliation for 3 days post-treatment and continue to wear sunscreen daily and avoid excessive sweating, makeup (unless mineral) and chlorine for 24 hours.

Skin Treatments


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